November 25, 2024
You and William through all times and all dimensions. Hello, Daughter, who is wishing to know if the twin flame journey is relevant for you still. It is relevant, for you are immersed in that energy and you have been willing to tolerate vast unlove in the name of unconditional love. This last conversation before the Taurus Moon was the first time you fully offered William yourself . “If you can love me, I am open to building something creative with you. If you cannot, I am finished with this thing.” We do not see judgment in your heart toward him. There is no anger, no desperation. You remain fully aware of all he is, love him without condition, and will not participate in bullshit any longer.
You can be part of this energy of unique and specific love and have plenty of incarnations where you do not sync up as a pair acknowledged by culture because that was never the plan. Your pact together is, “Without condition.” This is fulfilled on both sides, even as you both choose separation, each for your own reasons. Bryan was a very different style of the passionate twin expression, but he is on the path as well. Though it does not feel fair or just, the masculine can have a harder time rising up to their intentions on the Earth plane, which is why the need for more feminine leadership of self has become so great. The gift of receptivity is only offered to those who have shown they are worthy to receive it.
The best way we can describe this part of soul structure is that it is part of soul structure. There is a longing to image the masculine and feminine aspects of divine love, whatever plane you are on, for it is part of your original blueprint at creation. We think it remains both possible and probable for you to live out this kind of joyful expression with a partner in this lifetime, but recognition of the connection is not enough, even when it occurs on both sides. Recognition plus capacity plus choosing the yes are all necessary. This is what various members of your soul team offering guidance or vision have meant when they say the Warrior is not a frequency match for you. The jewels of your heart, of your capacity, and of your choice are deep treasures, only meant to be shared with those who see them as such and offer the same thing in return.
Twin Flame expression is not a fairy tale gleaming with false or unreliable magic. It is part of the soul’s DNA, and if it exists, it is always looking for the right conditions to manifest. To bloom. Keep hope, for there is reason yet to hope. Keep faith, for the mountains between you are no match for the call of union. Keep love, for it is who you are, and although you came here to offer, yes, you also came to be met, and met you shall be. This was spoken long ago. You are becoming the version of yourself ready to take center stage in the storyline. We believe you understand well enough, have received enough encouragement to stay in joy, and we now retreat from your awareness in grace and love.