October 4, 2024
Good morning, Daughter of the Sun, Daughter of the Sky, Daughter of the Earth, Daughter of the Bone. Your sisters greet you this day with compassion for the loss you are experiencing. The loss of peace, of privacy, of rhythm, structure and normalcy that keeps you grounded and is so important for your body. The loss of all your trees, especially the trees that were close to your heart. The loss of power, water, connection to the wider world. The loss of coffee, independence, laundry, being able to cook in your own home. Today it is time to venture out. You have lived in crisis mode for one week.
The wider losses are staggering, yes. The raging of rivers that wiped out entire towns. The rising of floodwaters that swallowed people whole. The breaking of dams, levees, power grids. The mountains who could not hold up under the weight of water and lost their stability, sliding into homes, roadways, plants. The trees that were uprooted by winds that did not belong here. The millions without access to medicine, safety, stability. The loss of jobs, of careers just coming into fruition. The loss of life, loss of life, loss of life echoes loudly on every plane. Helene and her aftermath are powerful vibration. She has dislodged all that is in your Appalachian Mountains and much is gone, much will go. The grief is loud. The grief is long. And it is in service, for it is an energy that moves. You cannot run from it. It is too powerful to be dislodged. Grief expresses the truth of our losses and will not still until all has been heard, all has been recognized, all has been honored.
Your empathy and compassion are not misplaced anymore than Kuan Yin’s is. The Earth plane does not wish you to harden so as to survive. It wishes your continued expansion. Come more fully into your heart. Come more deeply into your gifts. None of your losses have crushed you yet, Daughter of the Light, and neither will this one crush you. Your Earth is not throwing you off. She is upgrading all and in doing so she clears what needs to go or is ready to go. She shows structures that are outdated and will not survive, nor support survival, and she asks for creative problem solving and expansion past what is known. There are new technologies ready to be brought in and old ones ready to rise once more.
There are no have to’s here, Seraphina Burning Bright, and you do still burn brightly even in your fatigue. You feel unhappy with the roundness in your belly, yet food gives energy. It supports, it offers, it is a resource. Were you to receive what it had for you, you would feel more gratitude around it and less war. There is enough to care for those who are meant to stay here. This may be you or it may not. A move is very possible on your grid, yet there is always free choice.
The nightmares are also in service to you. Your terror over losing Liam, your continued pain around the betrayals of your heart and great love – these are your subconscious sharing your inner truths. 2020 brought in new energy. Your life thus far has been a challenge story. This is not your forever. You are choosing fluidity in the face of challenge, in the face of change, instead of being rock movable, which lets the Universe know you are willing to upgrade. Ready for new, ready for more, ready for next. It is all right that this morning feels foggy. It will lift, the sky will clear, and more choices will be visible.
October 8, 2024
Good morning, Daughter of the Light, Daughter of the Blood, Daughter of the Bone. You have two candles burning right now, and though it is not the amount of light you prefer, still it shines. Still it illuminates. Still the darkness is penetrated and rules no more. There are dark energies at work in this whole situation with Helene, who never should have hit your mountains like she did, and the darkness goes far past potential cloud seeding or government land grabs. The darkness wants to spread via your ley lines. It wishes to infiltrate the field from beneath it, coming in with stealth and sneaking. It wishes to spread fear like a contagion, hate like a silent river. It wishes power and more power and more power and is willing to use those in positions of power or those who feel powerless to accomplish its agenda. Tetrahedron is no respecter of persons and is willing to use a multi-angled approach to accomplish its means – snuffing out the light.
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. And the Earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, and God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good, and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light day and the darkness night, and the evening and the morning were the first day.”
October 11, 2024
Daughter. Come. I, Caius greet you with a strong embrace, glad to have you returned to me once more. I would hold on to you a moment longer. Let my light flow in and support yours. Let my energy meet yours and call it back to life. That L5, yes, Kundalini wishes to rise there, yet oftentimes the energy gets trapped. The backstretch over the ball releases trapped energy, but dance causes it to rise. Free and unfettered movement on your mat in the way Michaela Boehm teaches are in service. My wisdom flows into you now, reminding you of yours. There is great sadness in your body for all you have lost. Access to your mountains to hike them. The peace, charm and beauty of your little town now full of traffic congestion, repairmen, lack of food stock, high need, not enough to meet it in the now moment, lack of flow. It is alright to both feel and grieve the very human losses you are experiencing. I appreciate the way you run to preparedness, for you are a doer, not a wallower, yet your body needs to process. Your vibration needs to acclimate. Having your Ben here this weekend will be of great assistance.
As we begin to walk together, I would like to hold your hand. A grounding sheet is helpful for you and Liam both. It will serve to restore lost balance, lost equilibrium in a world gone mad. While much chaos is running the world stage, the core of Earth remains stable. She is willing to support all who come to her. She offers love, guidance, protection, provision to all who love her. You offer her care and nourishment. This she is willing to return to you. There are a few more trees in your yard that wish to go, but you will sort this out together. I like your neighbors. You chose well when you landed here. Your Mother would like to speak with you this day.
October 12, 2024
Good morning, Daughter. I, Metatron greet you this day. The first thing I wish to say is Stay. Liam is in the correct school district. He would learn more at Nesbitt. It is possible they would make an exception for him if he wanted to shift gears. Change is coming, swift and fierce. You are supported here. He is supported here. Do not grieve the disruption, for it is a gift offered in full service to you. Your Liam is a child and adult all at once. The relationships with you and his father are both incredibly important to him. A weekend family trip to Gatlinburg would be just right for him. This is a challenging and exciting time on the world stage. He has chosen to be here in the same way you have. Your Liam is a fellow learner and traveler. Even if his life experience is not everything he hoped, is not everything you hoped, it remains an experience. “I came. I saw. I learned. I expanded past who I had been and what I knew.” This is aligned for him. This is enough.
I would like to turn toward your experience with those you love, particularly the continued hurt over Ranuel. For your heart wounds, I am sorry. You were meant to receive love there, not harm. Many have spoken to you saying it was not lack of love that caused his abandonment, rather lack of capacity. This holds no context for you, no meaning, and yet it is true. You are not unloved, you are unmet. Though it feels like word quibbling that changes nothing, I wish for you to file this away as a seed within. “I am not unloved; I am simply unmet.”
What the entire higher realms wish for you is your capacity to hold this truth, receive the love that is genuinely present, and refuse the relating that does not meet you. You are a being of great strength and generosity in every way. The partners you have called in are matches for you in strength, are captivated by and compelled to win you, and have stinginess of heart because of their mother wound and how they chose to interact with it. The messages given in the sky by planets, aspected by sun and moon are not fortune telling or future telling, but they do give advance warning so you are not startled, not blindsided by events that come. You are closing out this cycle where you reject the love and receive/take in the poor relating, and you are coming into a new way of being where you will welcome the love given and reject unloving behavior as being in alignment for you. Generous men exist. Your Ben is one of them. Go prepare breakfast for your family, Stephanie. The higher realms and all of your team are very interested in your journey. You never walk alone.