September 27, 2024 (8:30am on my front porch watching trees unexpectedly fall, not yet knowing the flooding that would come causing massive upheaval to Asheville and her surround)
Come in, Daughter. Come sit at my fire as you watch the winds blow. All that is falling is meant to fall. This is but a precursor of what is to come as the Earth throws off what is no longer tolerable to her grid. It is loud. There is fallout. This you bear witness to as many beloved trees in your yard are uprooted and no more. In the chaos, you see the light. Through the chaos there will be more light.
In the coming years, you will need your neighbors and they will need you. Working together in the small will change the great. Yes, the visual of a cauldron over backyard fire where everyone brings what they have and throws it into the soup is a good one. There will be more sharing in general and less isolation. More connection with the elements and a return to living in rhythm with them as opposed to circumventing. You grieve for the trees fallen for you love them dearly, yet this is of service. They will be useful. They will endure. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, a return from whence you came images the cycle of reincarnation all are willing to live. It is not a pain free story, that of reunion with God, but it is a good one. A very good one. Those near the water will struggle most in this specific cycle of death and rebirth, but regeneration will come. Nothing falls that is not meant to fall. Nothing is washed away that was meant to stay.